Kenneth Friedman
Videos, Talks, and Interviews from the Greats.

Here is a collection of videos from the greats that I have put on YouTube. These videos were previously available somewhere online. However, since YouTube is the dominant source of online videos, I uploaded them to make them more widely available.

Full Length Talks

The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Create It. But Is It Already Too Late?

A great 2018 talk by Alan Kay about the future. This talk is a great example of how Alan Kay's ideas are much bigger than just computers and interfaces.

Remembering Marvin Minsky.

This is a video of a celebration of Marvin Minsky's life at the MIT Media Lab. Presenters include Joi Ito, Patrick Winston, Danny Hillis, and more. Runtime: 3 hours.

Marvin Minsky Stories

A very, very long intervew of Marvin Minsky, where he tells stories from the past. Runtime: 5 hours, 44 minutes.

Alan Kay at Media Lab 30

Alan Kay gives a presentation at the 30th anniversary celebration of the MIT Media Lab.

Alan kay 2015, Power of Simplicity

Alan Kay talk at an SAP event in 2015.

Alan Kay: Doing with Images Makes Symbols (Full Version)

Recorded in 1987. Previously available in 2 different parts on, this is the full version. Runtime: 1 hour, 37 minutes.

Alan Kay - Could Computing Be Simpler Than It Seems To Be?

Recorded November 27, 2006. Originally on Vimeo, however I have improved the quality. A transcript is also in the works, but it a very long process.

Shorter Clips

Ted Nelson's Guiding Principles

Guiding principles of Ted Nelson.

Alan Kay on Computer Science Degree

Alan Kay criticizes modern computer science degree program.

Alan Kay on Problem Finding

Alan Kay says problem finding, not problem solving, is the holy grail.

Alan Kay on Human Progress

Alan Kay discussing human progress, and the low pass filter of reality during his 1995 Vannevar Bush Symposium talk.

Steve Jobs on Future of Tablets

This video is about Steve Jobs on Future of Tablets/iPad. Original video from All Things Digital D8, in 2010.